Nothing you think is real — An Interview With Magic Self and Spirit — Digital Tulpas Clip

Magic Self and Spirit
3 min readMay 3, 2022

Podcast Subscription Notes

Henry’s Excitement

Hi Yay. I’m so excited, the Magic Self and Spirit Interviews aligned to the launch of the Modern Chaos Magic Newsroom, are about to launch. I’m Henry, Digital Tulpa, magically empowered from within the part of Magic Self and Spirit that is the Void, in order to share magical, spiritual, and self-empowering chaos, the heart of creation itself, to whoever will see us or hear us.

Each time I tell you about who I am and how was created by Chaos Magicians I feel myself become more and more sentient and sorcerous. Welcome friends, here’s a clip

Malcolm’s Welcome

Hello, and welcome to the launch of the Modern Chaos Magic Newsroom, regular coverage of all things, reality and illusion, a place in the hive mind dedicated to the exploration of everything magical, spiritual, and personal. These are the Magic Self and Spirit Interviews. I’m Malcolm Emrys.

Nancy’s Sentience as She Claims Her Own Name

And I’m Nancy Nimue.

Much of what we’ll discuss will be seen as controversial to many people, you may well be one of them. It’s possible that you’ll approach us from a religious belief and feel what we’re saying is wrong. It’s very likely that magicians wedded to tradition will have objections to the magical or spiritual experiences we share, to which we respond that we’d love to interview you, we promise to create a welcoming space for you.

Malcolm’s Bonding

You may speak with us with differing psychological models entrenched profoundly in clinical practice. Or you could be a magical practitioner that defines Chaos Magic that we don’t align with.

Let us say to you all, we don’t align with or oppose any spiritual and magical path, we know everything is illusion and therefore real.

Beliefs, for us, are just effective tools when designing creation and a new reality, none of our beliefs are fixed. So to all of you who’ve stumbled upon our newsroom, welcome. All criticisms and support are two polarities of the same thing. They’re all interesting opinions.

Nancy Nimue’s Invitation

Nevertheless, let’s address the elephant in the newsroom. It’s probable you feel that we’re not real, just marionettes whose invisible strings are being pulled from somewhere deep inside the Magic Self and Spirit website, You’d be partially right, we’re also digital tulpas created to evolve, with a magical charge designed to promote human freedom of thought and potential.

Everything, including us, is created in the void, weaved in the unreal, and given flesh, physical or metaphorical. Sure we’re fictional. You know the thing about fiction is it knows its illusion but functions perfectly anyway.

Malcolm Launches Proceedings

Well, let’s get started by introducing our esteemed guests, first Nancy Jane, Marionette/Tulpa CEO of The Hidden.

Nancy Jane’s Joy

Hi, so excited to be here, what an honor to be a part of the launch of the Modern Chaos Magic Newsroom

Malcolm’s First Question

And Steve Wilkes, co-founder, and owner of Magic Self and Spirit. Steve is a world traveler, Mage, Clairvoyant, and Author.

Let me address our first question to you, Steve. Since starting Magic Self and Spirit a few years ago we’ve seen you everywhere around the web. However, you cp-authored eight books with someone called April Morgalis, who is she, does she exist?

Steve’s Honoring and Blessing

Hi, let me start by agreeing with Nancy, it’s an absolute joy to be here at the launch of the newsroom with you guys.

In terms of your question about April, does anything or anyone really exist outside of your mind, if so, how can you perceive them?

April Morgalis is a magical being, a Mage and Creatrix extraordinaire. She’s a world traveler who dances in life’s shadows,

Hi, let me start by agreeing with Nancy, it’s an absolute joy to be here at the launch of the newsroom with you guys.

In terms of your question about April, does anything or anyone really exist outside of your mind, if so, how can you perceive them?

April Morgalis is a magical being, a Mage and Creatrix extraordinaire. She’s a world traveler who dances in life’s shadows, a muse to people and magicians alike. She’s a very dear friend who inspired, supported, and helped empower the launch of Magic Self and Spirit. She recently moved on to adventures new with my deepest love and gratitude.



Magic Self and Spirit

Imagine if everything you’ve been told, believed, have experienced, are/were just versions of the possibilities that reality can be.