Unlock the Power of Your Inner Child

Magic Self and Spirit
2 min readJan 1, 2021

There are two primary branches in working with the inner child. The first is the more widely worked with integration model focused on healing, we dive into this work in the first two weeks of our course integrating star magic and the magic of ancient Egypt. In the second half of the course we work with your Inner Child as the sprit of your unconscious mind, the part awakening into consciousness as you step into this kind of development work.

In our second book in the Star Magic Series, we are delving into healing your inner child. We will explore multiple approaches to thinking about the inner child. We will look at modern psychology, Huna (Ancient Hawaiian spirituality), and Ancient Egyptian gods and dream temples. Join us in the book or on our course in the Spiritual CrossFit Gym. We are excited to help you Unlock the Power of Your Inner Child.

The ancient Egyptians held that there were eight parts of the Soul. We began our work with the Ba, the mobile part of the soul, in our work on dream temples and Star Magic. In Unlock The Power Of Your Inner Child, we work with the Ba again, this time we Soul Travel from the dream temples of Ancient Egypt into the deeper realms of your unconscious mind. We use Transmutational Meditation to help you journey, to discover what we call your inner children.

The inner children are splintered parts of the soul. In childhood, we all experience traumas that make us feel separate, alone in our pain. From these experiences we draw conclusions about the world that shape our behavior for the rest of our lives. When we journey back to discover these parts of self, their stories can be heard. As we listen to our inner children their pain healed, and the disruptive energy that their stories were causing can be released. We love using this method to unlock the power of your inner child. It literally lets you transmute the energy that was held in the trauma into energy for manifesting your life.

Check out weeks 1 and 2 for techniques and the all important Transmutational Meditations to lead you on this journey of discovery and healing. You can read more about mask work and the nature of belief in our article, What Chaos Magic Means to Us, and How to Do It.

Our work with the Inner Child has been profound and powerful both for the two of us when writing the material and for our students to experience. We’ve decided over the next few months to write more advanced text around the Inner Children, freeing you up to expand your magic.



Magic Self and Spirit

Imagine if everything you’ve been told, believed, have experienced, are/were just versions of the possibilities that reality can be.